Buteyko for Beginners: Videos & audio tracks to introduce you to Buteyko practice

The nose is for breathing and the mouth is for eating and drinking!

Take a 15 minute daily walk following Buteyko principles.

Part 1: The Control Pause. Starting to learn breath holding techniques

Part 2: Learning to hold your breath correctly and notice the benefits.

Relaxed breathing following Buteyko principles with Lisa Hayward

Steps Set: An exercise combining walking and breath holding

Fast Track Set: Practise breathing exercises in short bursts

Clearing Reactions: side effects to Buteyko and what to do about them.

Audio Tracks

Mild Air Hunger Set 1

10 minute Buteyko Relaxed & Reduced breathing Set – Control Pause less than 15 seconds

Mild Air Hunger Set 2

10 minute Buteyko Relaxed & Reduced breathing Set – Control Pause over 15 seconds

Easy Breathing Set

10 minute Relaxed Breathing Set – to relax your diaphragm – with no breath holding.